I don’t have a ten step process to anywhere.

I don’t have a 10 step process to anywhere.

My lack of answers sometimes dismays me.

I want to be able to tell you - here’s the path. Do these ten things, one after the other, and then you will arrive, and live happily ever after.


Life, relationships, healing and growth don’t really work like that.

Steps are involved, for sure, but they’re generally of the “three steps forward, two steps back” variety.

There isn’t a linear process. I used to keep hoping there was, reading so many books, finding new and interesting teachers, looking for the THING. Never finding it for long, there was always another thing on the horizon.

Eventually I gave up looking for steps, because I realised I have something better than steps. Better than a repeatable process that can be put on auto pilot and never thought of again.

I have curiosity.

And I will follow it to the ends of the earth.

Someone said to me the other day: the seeker in me sees the seeker in you, and my heart smiled.

And that maybe sums it up.

I’m here for the seekers, whether they’re seeking the answer to one small yet burning question, or they’re seeking the ever-shifting, ever-elusive meaning of life.

The seeker in me, and the seeker in you.

That’s probably why I have clients I’ve worked with for years, and probably why I’ve worked with my own therapist for years - there’s always more things to be curious about, and it’s so good to have someone with me on the path who is as curious about things as I am.

Because life is magic if you look at it with the right eyes.

Even the shitty parts are mostly okay if you have a well of kindness to soothe them with.

Not having a ten step process to anywhere and no answers to speak of feels like freedom in a lot of ways. It means I can’t fix anything - which is really okay, because there is nothing to fix. Only a thousand things to be curious about, a thousand thousand questions.

What’s the next question you’re asking?


Art Journalling is a great way to get out of your head.


Grief is a sticky, tangly thing