The simplest tool I know for building self trust & enoughness.

Right now I’m feeling…

This is a little but powerful prompt I use to check in with myself whenever I think of it throughout the day. I make a game of it to find the exact words to describe how I’m feeling, and I know when I have it right because part of me lights up and I feel seen when I get it exactly spot on.

Right now, I’m feeling tired, satisfied and a little melancholy, with an edge of tension.

This prompt is a way of attuning to myself more deeply in a way that feels really good. Taking the time to check in shows me I’m listening. Taking the time to find the right words shows me I care. And as I learn the subtle nuances of how I feel, moment to moment, I’m validating my own experience (which is a powerful way, over time, of dismantling unworthiness and not-enoughness).

If I’m feeling sad - what kind of sad? Is it loneliness, or melancholy, or a shade of grief? If I’m feeling good - what kind of good? Content, joyful, elated, deeply satisfied after a day well spent?

I love words (no surprise there) so I also find it fun that I get to sift through all the interesting words I know looking for the ones that fit the flavour of my feeling.

All this is pretty great in itself, but what happens next is awesome too.

When I’m super attuned to how I feel moment to moment, I’m also way more able to understand what I might need, and then to feel even MORE seen, understood, loved, valued and validated when I give myself the very specific things that meet the very specific needs that I find through figuring out my very specific feelings.

If I check in and notice I feel sad, and the specific flavour of my sadness is a melancholy loneliness, a need might arise from that feeling. Perhaps it’s the need to see another human smile at me. So maybe I’ll go for a walk and smile at the people I pass to see them smile back at me. Or perhaps it’s the kind of sadness that needs a moment to cry, and so I take a break from what I’m doing and give myself that time.

Little needs that wouldn’t be met if I hadn’t stopped to check, right now I am feeling...

It’s a beautiful cycle that keeps expanding and layering on more feelings of being deeply cared for the more I do it.

It’s the kind of thing I teach my clients, and felt like sharing it with you today too :)

Right now, I’m feeling tired, satisfied, and my heart feels warm.

Right now, how are you feeling?


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Why we are the way we are.