Zooming right in.

Here’s today’s experiment - zoom right in.

It’s a kind of antidote to the vague dissociation a lot of us live in, focussed on scrolling screens and distractions.

Zoom right into right now. Were you the kind of kid who was fascinated by small details? Zoom in with that kind of focus, that kind of curiosity.

Zoom into the present.

What do you notice outside? Maybe the sound of traffic or birds. One flap of a bird’s wing - can you see the way it moves? Maybe you hear the wind? Is it blowing out there? Can you hear the sounds of other people, doing what they’re doing?

Zoom in.

What’s happening in the room? What colours do you notice? Is it messy, are there things out of place? No need to change anything, just notice what you notice in this one zoomed in moment. What feels satisfying in the space you’re in? Is there music? Do you hear each individual note? Is it quiet? What’s the sound of silence?

Zoom in.

What’s happening around your body? Are you sitting? How does that feel underneath the backs of your legs? How does the air feel on your skin? How do your clothes feel?

Zoom in.

What’s happening inside your body? How’s your breath? What sensations do you notice? Tension? Tingling? Numbness? Energy moving? Emotion? How does it feel to be feeling something?

What’s the smallest thing you can notice? Can you stay with it, this zoomed in focus, just for a breath or two?

And then let it go…

And notice what happens next.

How do you feel now? Agitated, reaching for a distraction? Calmer, taking a deeper breath? Feeling something about what you just did, some kind of judgement - like or dislike, good or bad, boring or interesting?

Is there anything that might feel nourishing to do next, after this moment of zooming in and listening? Is your body asking for anything? A glass of water, to move a little, to take a few moments to use a different part of your brain, and draw something instead of worrying? Connection, or some time alone?

Can you give that to yourself?

Zoom in…


When you reach the end of your life, what do you want to have done?


The power of putting inside thoughts on the outside.