Your Inner Compass

I thought it might be fun to offer a weekly prompt (in case you're missing Art Group). Use this however you wish - think about it, write about it, make art inspired by it. There are no right answers and there's no way to get this wrong.

This week, take a moment to get comfortable and settle in. Perhaps take a breath or two, or let your body move or stretch if you've been sitting a while. Then, draw yourself a compass. It could be a round, regular sort, or a Dali-esque compass that bridges multiple dimensions. It's completely up to you.

Notice what's on the compass face - what directions does it show? Perhaps you have N, S, E, W... or perhaps you have TOWARDS and AWAY, perhaps you have completely random directions. STARS, YESTERDAY, OBSTRUCTION, JOY. Whatever has that feeling of right.

And then, with the rest of your page, see what your compass might be pointing to. A landscape? Abstract colours or shapes? Words? People? Places? Foggy nothingness? No wrong answers.

When you're done, take a moment to step back and reflect. Did you learn anything new? How does it feel to look at? If it had a message for you, what might that message be?


Door from HERE to THERE