The messy middle of change.

The middle bit of change is hard. Messy middle. 

It’s begun, change is happening, old routines and ways of being don’t work, but new ones haven’t been established yet so everything is chaos.

That’s where I am right now.

Claiming ‘artist’ as a thing that I am (obvious, really) - and putting art and making first.

But what does me-as-artist do when she gets up in the morning? What are her priorities? How does she know which of the million things she could do comes first? How does she even know how to be me-as-artist?

Trial and error and gentleness, mostly. Letting things be messy, frustrating as that is. Letting it be okay to have no idea for a time. Letting it be okay there’s nothing hanging on the gallery wall in the part of the studio that’s mine.

No idea if this’ll work. No idea what ‘this working’ even looks like when it comes to me putting art and making first.

Trial and error and gentleness.

That’s how you get through the messy middle of change.


And of course I am still seeing clients while I’m giving more space to art - art therapy and the kind of mentoring I offer is a really beautiful way to navigate the messy middle of change. So if you’re here in the mess too - I see you :) It can be frustrating and confusing and easy to wish we were out the other side already, but there are ways to navigate it with curiosity and grace. 

You might like to book in a time to chat if you’d like to find out more, I’d truly love to hear from you and see if working together might be the support you deserve.



We are made of stories.