How are you happening to life?

Every now and then, I come across this quote from Toko-pa Turner:

Getting caught up in the question, "What is my purpose?" is like looking for shoes instead of walking forward.

While most people think of reality as something that happens to us, the shamanic approach is to 'get behind the creation' of your story.

Life isn't only happening to us: we are happening to life.

And it always makes me smile, because I like how the idea of ‘happening to life’ feels in my body. It feels expansive, exciting, there’s movement and energy there, an invitation to engage - to do something, get messy, try things, make mistakes, try other things, dream, roll around in life. Paint the walls, make our mark, make it our own.

How are you happening to life? How would you like to be happening to life? Are there happenings you’d like to be happening that aren’t yet? Want some help? Send me a message and let’s happen to life together - sometimes you need a co-conspirator on the road.


A poem: Initiation Song from the Finders’ Lodge


How to make change easier.