Left-field help for challenging times…

What’s something that’s feeling a bit challenging in life right now?

A conversation you’re putting off having.

That critical voice in your mind that’s always telling you how you could have done better.

A challenging relationship.

A longing for a big dream that feels out of reach.

Feeling tired or drained or stuck in some way.

What if you had a fantastical creature or being who could help you with that?

A giant kind bear wearing a top hat and a paisley waistcoat to carefully sit on someone that you can’t deal with right now.

A crack team of lawyers in fancy wigs died fantastic colours who argue on behalf of how amazing you are and how well you’re doing.

A fanged serpent with a silver tongue who always knows the right thing to say, who can whisper the right spells into your ear.

A sentient flying carpet who can take you anywhere - take you to where you’d rather be.

What if these imaginings weren’t “just” your imagination? What if they weren’t childish, what if they weren’t a frivolous waste of time? What if they could be powerful allies to help you navigate life with more creativity, more lightness, more playfulness?

Want to give it a shot?

Think about something that’s challenging you a bit right now. Something small, to begin with.

And now take a moment to imagine what kind of help you’d like with that thing. Let it be unrealistic, let it be silly, let it be completely over the top. Who or what shows up?

Take a few moments to get to know them. What do they look like? Sound like? How does it feel to be in their presence? Do they have a name? What would you like to ask them to do?

Maybe you’d like to ask for their help, and then see what they do.

What’s their solution, and how does it feel to receive their support?

How do you feel about your challenge now? Has anything changed? Is it different, or has it stayed the same?

If they’ve helped, perhaps you’d like to thank them in some way. And know you can always call on them again.

If you’re curious to try this out with guidance, perhaps you’d like to come to this week’s art group - we’ll be exploring this in a creative way. It should be a lot of fun, and I’d love to see you there. Click here to find out more and book your spot.


Do you remember your dreams?


Imagine a fierce protector…