Let the tide go out.
The tide can’t come in forever.
The idea we’re meant to be 24/7 productive is madness. The trajectory of everything isn’t endless expansion - it’s ebbs and flows, growth and decay, cycles and seasons.
Let the tide go out.
We can’t be, shouldn’t be, always on. Always learning growing healing making doing being striving further harder faster take it in, more, more, more, inhale-inhale-inhale.
We can’t always face the sun - let the darkness come.
Let there be time for dreaming. Let there be time that isn’t FOR anything.
And instead of the mad rush onwards and upwards, instead of the endless overwhelming scramble to achieve, maybe we could be available to experience whatever we’re experiencing - like a child watching for the first time a breath scattering the seeds of a dandelion.
Absorbed. Present. Delighted.
Could we really be here, in the moment we are in? Softly, brightly, with passion, with glee?
Instead of dodging our emotions and running forever so they will never catch us, could we pause and let ourselves feel how we are feeling?
Let the tide go out.
Let the darkness come.
And in that intimate silence
Let us come alive.