

It's a little word. A little moment.

And sometimes, it's exactly what's needed between one thing and the next.

I don't know a lot about music, but I do know that it's sometimes in the silences that the magic is made. In the pause, where there's space for the notes beforehand to linger before the melody moves on.

I'm thinking, too, about the way a pendulum might swing, or the stick bit of a metronome (I'm sure there's a nicer name for it than 'stick bit'). The way they pause at the end of their arc, just for a moment, before swinging back the other way.

When you've followed a course of action to its natural conclusion - perhaps you've finished a project, or ended a relationship, closed a chapter, even something as small and everyday as exhaling a soft breath in a sigh - sometimes it's nice to take a moment to pause before life's momentum carries you in the direction of what's next, towards the next inspiration, a new connection, the next breath.

A small, quiet moment of seconds or days or more.

Stillness, so there's space for the last notes of what came before to linger.

Perhaps a pause to reflect, or to appreciate what was.

Or perhaps a pause to rest, regroup, let readiness find its way to you.

You might have guessed what your mission for the week is, should you choose to accept it.

It's simple. And yet, its ripples can be profound.



Presence as a bullshit detector.


All the time in the world.