Permission to not do any of the things you think you should, but aren’t.

Permission to not do any of the things you think you should, but aren’t.

How much mental real estate is taken up by things you feel you should do, but haven’t? The endless to do list that gets bumped from day to day and week to week (and in some cases, month to month or year to year…).

You know the kinds of tasks. The intention to sort through your clothes, get around to watching that course you paid for months ago, to start a daily journaling practice, to start working on that great idea you had one time, to finish a drawing, to deep clean the kitchen cupboards, to read that book that’s been sitting in your to be read pile for ages.

The list that you’re ignoring when you’re watching a show, or reading a book, or going for a walk that isn’t as relaxing as it could be because that list is sitting on your shoulder and part of your judgy brain is making you feel guilty for resting when there’s work to be done. Even if you’re not consciously aware of it; even if it’s a weight you don’t feel because you’ve gotten used to it.

What if that weight wasn’t there any more?

What if all those things you think you should get around to just evaporated?

What if you were able to let it all go?

What if you deleted the list?

Instead, you might trust that if and when the time is right for any of those things to happen, you’ll think of them and do them, without a corner of your brain hanging onto them at all times.

What if you could let go of the things you ‘should’ get done, and be right where you are with a bit more room to breathe?

How would you feel, if everything was pretty okay, right here, right now?

Could you rest easier? Feel less guilty? Enjoy the things you love to do even more? Have more fun? Feel more energised, because all that energy you used to give to resisting the ‘shoulds’, you now have returned to you to use for something else?

If you need some encouragement to give it a try, this is your encouragement.

Permission to not do any of the things you think you should, but aren’t.


Imagine a fierce protector…


What if you were a tree?