Rome wasn’t built in a day, but it was built.

There’s a saying that drifts around the place about humans and time that says something like: we overestimate how much we can get done in a day, and we underestimate how much we get done in a year.

Rome wasn’t built in a day, but it was built.

To make this quirk of human minds work for you, here’s a suggestion..

Take some time to figure out what your priorities are - what are you working towards? What’s important to you?

It could be in the realm of creative projects (I want to write a book) or it could be in the realm of health or healing (I want to feel clear about my direction in life, I want to get through the shock of an accident I was in, I want to be able to go hiking and feel comfortable in my body). It could be in the realm of a dream or a desire (I want to land my dream job as a unicorn trainer, I want to open a bookshop that has a doorway to another world in it).

Keep your eye on your dream, and take small steps towards it often, and remember to look back. Take the pressure off today, and instead look at a longer chunk of time when you’re measuring how far you’ve come.

I see this in my own to-do lists - rarely do I finish everything I think I should be able to get done in a single day or a week. And it’s easy to get down about it. I wish I’d written more, been more creative, done the drawing, gotten further with the projects I’m working on. And yet, when I look back over the past twelve months, I have done a lot.

I see this with clients a lot too - progress towards health and healing and other various goals feels slow when we’re in the middle of it. And yet, when we reflect on where they were when they began, often the response is ‘wow. I’ve come so far’.

Days and weeks add up, when we’re focussed on the things that are meaningful to us.

You won’t build Rome today, or tomorrow, but if you keep taking small steps, you will build it.


Why you should make art with friends…


When you reach the end of your life, what do you want to have done?