Stories make the world go round.

Thought experiments, tools, stories and ideas to inspire you
and feed your curiosity.

Time travel is possible.

Did you know you could go to the future and meet your future self?

How far in the future is up to you. A week from now. A decade. Longer - what if you met yourself after you'd passed through the veil from life to death? What stories would that version of you have to share?

Our future selves know things we don't know - these challenges we're living through? They've already found their way around them. And if we go to meet them, we can ask them how they did it. And they can offer us perspectives and paths that we can't see from where we're standing.

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tools, Life Coaching, Life Transitions Ellen Clarke tools, Life Coaching, Life Transitions Ellen Clarke

Sometimes, ‘what?’ is better than ‘why?’.

When you're feeling out of sorts, anxious or irritated by everything, up to and including someone standing on your shadow - it's easy to get stuck in a loop of 'why?' trying to figure out the underlying cause.

"Why?" can feel like a good question. You're being self reflective. You're taking responsibility for how you're feeling, trying to figure it out, understand it. And sometimes this is useful… until it isn't, when you keep spinning in the feeling.

When that happens, "what" can be a better question.

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Why you should make art with friends…

There’s something magic that tends to happen when you create with others - often, the positive effects are amplified, because you’re not just doing something creative, you’re also part of something creative.

So here’s your gentle encouragement to find a friend or several friends and spend some creative time with them. Read on for more ideas…

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Book a free 30 minute consultation.

Don’t listen to what they say about curiosity killing the cat - curiosity is the first step on any fruitful journey. Book a Zoom call and let’s have an conversational adventure.