How you do one thing…

This week’s prompt is inspired by the idea that how you do one thing is how you do everything - and that can be a useful thing to know when you have a creative practice.

You can then notice how you approach your art journal (or kitchen, or garden, or sewing projects, or whatever you like to create), and see reflected the ways you approach the rest of your life. And with this awareness, a lot of things become easier - it’s easier to see what you need in order to feel more how you’d like to feel, for one.

Read more about this here:

And now, on to this week’s prompt:

This one is going to be simple. I can explain it in two words: make something.

If you need a few ideas for what to make:

  • Set out to draw something ugly. Make a big mess on your page.

  • Bake a cake, or another recipe that you’ve never made before.

  • Draw a still life without looking at the page - don’t take your eyes off your subject.

  • Pick a colour, scribble on your page, then colour in each segment. DIY colouring in.

  • Write a poem about a childhood memory, or about the colour green.

And then…

Reflect on how that was. Did you like it? Hate it? Find it easy? Challenging? Were you thinking about the end result, or enjoying the process? How do you feel about the outcome? How did you approach making something new - was it fun, or scary, or ‘fine’, or a rollercoaster of different feelings?

Do any of these responses feel familiar? If so, where else in your life do they show up? If not, get curious about that, too.

What did you learn, and where might you use what you’ve learned?




Feel the fear… and draw a picture of it.