
This week's prompt is quick and simple and can be profound if you take it slow and stay present.

You will need something to draw on and draw with - doesn't matter what.

Take a breath, take a moment to notice how you feel before you begin.

And then, starting from the centre of your page (or go rogue and start from somewhere else), slowly (very very slowly) draw a spiral, unwinding.

Trust the part of you who knows how to do this - it might need your spiral to be tight and close together, getting looser as you go, or perhaps it shifts between loose lines and lines drawn close together. Let the line unwind.

And when you reach the end, stop.

Take a breath, take another moment to notice how you feel now.

The same? Different? There are no right answers here.

Sometimes it's nice to have an intention of something you'd like to unwind, held loosely in the back of your mind as you spiral. Sometimes it's nice to have no intention at all.

Make it yours.


How you do one thing…