Discovering delight

Let’s rediscover delight.

Delight is a shock of unexpected beauty that calls us into presence.

Little fleeting moments, things that surprise us and wake us out of our unseeing routine assumption that we know how today’s going to go.

Delight is eating chocolate coated frozen bananas, the first crack of the chocolate as our teeth bite through it that’s heard as well as felt in our mouths.

Delight is getting out of the car and looking up and catching our breath at how unexpectedly brilliant the red of the flame trees in flower is against an impossibly blue sky.

Delight is the sun setting behind the hills and having to look twice to see that it’s the sunset colouring the clouds and not the whole hill burning with bright yellow flame.

Delight is writing words on a page that feel like they’re being written through us - unexpected thoughts and connections flowing out our fingers that we didn’t know were there.

Delight is walking back to the car after a long day, looking down to see the ground covered in flowers shaped like intricate stars, like we’re walking through the sky.

For me, delight feels like lightness on my face. Tension I’m not aware I’ve been carrying evaporates around my eyes and I notice how big the difference is between my practiced, serviceable, everyday not-all-that-present smile and a genuine smile of delight.

So this is your invitation, into delight - allow yourself to be delighted. Make yourself available for small moments of unexpected beauty, calling you into presence. Let yourself feel the lightness that comes from these tiny moments of connection with something magic.

And if you’d like to explore delight together, and find a pathway to more of it in your life, I have room for another 1:1 client right now. Message me and let’s find a time to talk and see if this is right for you right now.


Worry is a hungry beast.


Slow & deliberate