Slow & deliberate

There’s a lot to be said for slow and deliberate creation. When I think about taking my time writing or drawing, when I think about my clients giving themselves all the time they need to work through trauma and heal the things that stop them, when I think about creating friendships over years instead of weeks, I experience a profound sense of relief.

This world doesn’t put much stock in slow. Everything is faster faster faster, more, better, bigger, every minute is new and improved. I didn’t realise how overwhelming I found it until the beginning of the pandemic, when for a while, all of a sudden the intensity eased and the pressure to keep up stopped.

Follow these ten steps and you’ll get results in just seven days. Take my three month program and you’ll be the you you wish you were. And when we reach step ten and we’re not where we were promised, we think there’s something wrong with us and we look for the next solution.

There’s nothing wrong with us.

In my experience, on my journey through life, literally nothing has worked like that. 

Everything I have that brings me joy and satisfaction has taken time.

Learning to write well, learning to paint and draw, healing chronic depression and a low mood disorder, resolving traumas I’ve been carrying since I was born, creating deep, sustaining friendships - all these things bring meaning to my life, and none of them happened fast.

Part of what makes them so satisfying is their evolution over time. The small wins, the deepening of connection, the increase in skill, the expanding of capacity for life.

It’s really hard not to get sucked into the belief that we just have to find the magic lamp and rub it and all our dreams and desires will come true tomorrow. The western world chases that dream all the time and it’s a recipe for misery. 

So our job becomes to catch ourselves, again and again, and remind ourselves, again and again, that we’re playing a long game in this life, and to exhale and drop back into slow, deliberate creation - of words, of pictures, of friendships, of healing, of a life that is uniquely ours, and give ourselves the gift of all the time in the world.

This is my gift to you, today - an invitation into slow, deliberate creation, and all the time in the world. And if this kind of support feels like sweet relief to your nervous system and you’d like more of it - I have room for another 1:1 client right now. No rush, no pushing - taking all the time in the world to create safety and trust, to unwind and to gently explore where you’d like to go from here.

Click here to book a time to meet and see what working together might look like for you.


Discovering delight


Expanding because we’re ready, not because we’re not enough