Instead of goals… what about curiosities?

In past years I’ve been on the New Year’s resolution bandwagon and it’s been fun. I’ve had goals. The past few years I’ve been doing something different, and I have curiosities.

I still want things, there are still experiences I want to have and things I’d like to achieve, but the wanting feels soft - there’s no push behind it, there’s no sense of these being things I ‘should’ be doing.

There’s a space where usually there’s a list of things I want to do, experience, achieve.

Instead of a rigid road, there’s a golden thread, asking me to follow it, posing the question - “what if…”.

What if I started offering 6 month from-home 1:1 retreats for people who’ve been meaning to prioritise their health, growth and dreams, but somehow never find the time?

What if I started making more art?

What if I started regularly celebrating nothing in particular for no reason at all?

What if I started taking things out of my life instead of adding them in?

Curiosity welcomes mystery, and makes friends with not knowing what might happen next, where goals, to me, tend to feel more like I’m trying to control an outcome.

If I let go of the need to control and say I want x to happen by y date, if I get comfortable with the unknown and not knowing what might happen next… I make space for anything to happen.

And I’m curious to see what that looks like.



If you’d like to let go of some of your goals in favour of curiosities, and you’d like some support - or if you’d like to sign up for a 6 month 1:1 retreat (that will run alongside your regular life - you don’t have to come live on a mountain with me somewhere for 6 months (although…)) then send me a message! Let’s find a time to talk. I would love to see if this might be the right thing for you right now :) There's magic to be made!


Creativity is freedom


“Someday” is not a real day.