“Someday” is not a real day.

“Someday” is not a real day. Tomorrow is also not a real day. Not until it turns into today.

Today is a real day. Today is the ONLY real day.

Because the only real time is now. 

Yesterday is a memory, tomorrow is a dream… today is what we have.

I don’t know about you, but I’m really good at scheduling things for someday. Someday, gonna write a book. Someday, gonna drive the Savannah Way right across the top of Australia and hang out in Broome for a while. Someday, gonna be happier, richer, fitter, get a haircut, sleep better.

Whatever. Someday is not a real day. And so those things are still just dreams.

What’s different about the things I HAVE done - watching an eclipse from the top of a mountain in Indonesia before dancing all day in the rain, almost getting hit by lightning in the Mexican jungle, moving 2000km away from everyone I knew in the middle of a pandemic - all these things happened because I began them today.

That’s what it means to choose your own adventures - it means you really choose them. Decide they are happening, and not just nice fantasies scheduled for someday.

When you choose your own adventures, really choose them, that’s when they start to become real. You bring them into today, and like magic, step by step they unfold around you.

If you’d like to work together for a time to bring some of those ‘someday’ things into ‘today’, perhaps you’d like to book a call here.

I can help you find some clarity on some of those someday dreams - are any of them aching to be rescheduled to today? Does it feel kind of scary to contemplate? That’s normal - most of my someday dreams feel scary to think about starting today.

There’s no pressure to do anything with them - we’ll just take them out and look, and find you a next step or two that feels doable and fun :)

Send me a message and let’s find a time to talk.


Instead of goals… what about curiosities?


The connection between receiving support and feeling good enough.