The connection between receiving support and feeling good enough.

I offer people support to heal, to grow, to dream, to become.

This is for whoever needs to know they’re enough and that they deserve ALL the support for all the things all the time.

You are worthy of receiving support. Piles of it. As much as you need - it doesn’t make you weak, it doesn’t mean you’re not enough on your own, and it doesn’t mean you’ve failed. 

Going to say that again - receiving support is not proof that you’re not good enough. 

Receiving support is one of the best ways to care for yourself. It shows you’re serious about your dreams and making them real. It shows you’re worthy and deserving of care - it shows YOU that, and it also shows the people around you. It shows commitment to yourself and to your work in the world. It shows strength, compassion, and kindness.

For me, as a recovering person who does life entirely on their own (is there a word for that?), bringing in piles of support has been a gradual process as I let go of ‘not enoughness’.

Almost without realising it, I brought in more and more and it feels GOOD.

  • Business and professional support to help me learn how to run my business in a way that feels GOOD, and to have somewhere to keep learning and growing in the work that I do, so I continue to get more and more skilled in how I support my clients.

  • Health support to keep me motivated to exercise, and to look after my mental health.

  • Life support in the form of family and close friends to help me celebrate the good and help me through the challenges.

I’m looking at where there might be gaps I can fill with even more.

We’re not meant to do life alone. When I tried, I was overwhelmed by the impossible standards I’d set myself. I was depressed and endlessly struggling. I was on a never ending quest trying to fix myself because I was sure the reason why I wasn’t getting anywhere in my life was because I wasn’t enough.

Actually, bullshit. I was always enough. I just didn’t have any support.

What I know now is the more support I have, the more ease I have. The faster I get to the goals I’ve set and the more fun I have on the way (light years away from past me who used to sit on the couch trying to figure everything out on her own and beating herself up for never being enough). Everything feels possible. I am so much kinder to myself. I don’t suffer from depression and while I still get overwhelmed sometimes, it’s not my default state. I’m happier than I’ve ever been. I have more friends who are ‘my people’ than I’ve ever had. I’m contributing more to the world than I ever have. 

All because I have support.

This is one of the things I do with my clients, too - help them unravel the unworthiness and feelings of not deserving support, gently teasing out the not enoughness, strand by strand, and instead weaving it into the gold of worthiness and connection and community and support.

And because this is something foundational, it changes EVERYTHING that’s built on it - work, relationships with others and relationship with self. Creativity. Emotions. Connection to the universe - everything expands when the foundation is a solid feeling of enoughness and knowing support is always right there.

Want to see what this might look like for you?

Find a time for a free chat here, and we can see if this feels right for you right now.


“Someday” is not a real day.


What do you need, and how will you get it?