1:1 Support

Art Therapy
Somatic Experiencing
& Life Coaching for individuals.

Kind, gentle, creative help to navigate life.

Classes & Workshops

Fortnightly Online Therapeutic Art Group

Join Rose and I for an affordable, drop-in group of friendly people gathering
for regular creative self care.

Other Offerings

Coming soon.

A podcast of whimsical stories,
an interactive fiction mental health app,
…and more.

Hello, thanks for being here.

At present, I am focussed on some other exciting projects, and I am not taking on new 1:1 clients.

If you’d like to be notified when this changes, please get in touch here and I’ll keep you posted. And if you have worked with me before - even if it has been a while - this doesn’t affect you, and you’re welcome to book in.

If you’re curious about Art Therapy, perhaps you’d like to come along to the Online Therapeutic Art Group, which happens every other Thursday. Find out more about that and book your spot here.

Warmly, Ellen

Helping people feel better.

Tending trauma, supporting big and small life changes, and delighting in finding creative ways to make dreams real.

Anything is possible and everything is welcome.


Healing, change and growth can be challenging… and kind of fun when we work in ways that are curious, creative, gentle and kind.

I offer workshops and classes, and see clients in person in Cairns, Australia, and worldwide through Zoom.

Try a session for free
and see if it’s right for you.

There’s no commitment, pressure, or obligation.


Stories are what makes the world go round.

Here are some recent stories from the blog: