An invitation to do nice things for yourself.

Today’s public service announcement: 

Do nice things for yourself. Treat yourself kindly.

Find small things that make you feel cared for, and do those things.

Find small things that make your days feel brighter, and do those things.

It’s easy to fall into the energy of endurance. 

It’s the feeling of ‘just have to get through this’. Grit my teeth and bear it. Don’t look up, don’t stop to smell the roses, just plod one foot in front of the other until you get to the mythical finish line and THEN, maybe, you can take a break.

It’s a shut down kind of feeling that doesn’t allow for even the possibility of enjoying what we’re doing. Enjoyment can come later, after the tasks of the day are done, except it often doesn’t because by then we have no energy left.

It’s a shitty way to live, enduring life, and for me - not really how I wanted to feel.

Gradually, as part of me was very committed to enduring life, and it’s not generally effective to try to change everything at once, I started by making some small shifts. 

WHAT I’m doing didn’t change, but HOW I was doing it did.

  • I’m still drinking a lot of water, and now I’m putting slices of cucumber or fruit in it.

  • I’m still ticking things off my to-do list, and now I’m taking 10 minutes to stretch or have a quick shower to cool off before the next Zoom call.

  • I’m still breathing, and now I’m remembering to breathe more deeply more often.

  • I’m still sitting under the ceiling fan to keep cool, and now I have a little spray bottle with a nice smelling oil in it to add a little more magic.

  • I’m still wearing clothes, and now I’m generally getting out of my pyjamas and into something that feels nice to wear, colours that match my mood.

  • I’m still eating, and now I’m taking the time to cut up a giant box of carrot and capsicum and celery so I can eat them with nice dips. I’m playing with sprouting things so I am eating more living food that makes me feel healthy.

So, do nice things for yourself. Treat yourself kindly. Find small things that make you feel cared for, and do those things. Find small things that make your days feel brighter, and do those things.

And if you need some support, send me a message :) I have space for a few new clients this month. We can have a no pressure chat about where you’re at and where you’d like to be, and see if working together might be right for you right now.


For any healing process, we need a quiet moment.


All I want to do is…