Stories make the world go round.

Thought experiments, tools, stories and ideas to inspire you
and feed your curiosity.

Stories, Questions Ellen Clarke Stories, Questions Ellen Clarke


Have you spent much (or any, come to that) time thinking about doors?

A door is a threshold between two places, but most of us don't really notice them, much of the time.

Think about it, though. Doors are pretty amazing things. They can connect two worlds that are wildly different. They're the point, travelled through, that takes us from somewhere to somewhere else.

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Stories, Questions, Tools Ellen Clarke Stories, Questions, Tools Ellen Clarke

I could be doing anything; so why am I doing this?

I could do anything; so why am I doing this?

It's a question I come back to every now and then - usually it hits me like a bolt from the blue when I'm doing something mundane or enduring my way through something I think I "should" be doing, when life has been feeling a bit samey for a while.

It's a reminder that this is my one wild and precious life… and there is so much to be in awe of, and yet I am not all that often in a state of awe. Why is that? I could be doing anything, so why am I doing this?

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