Eco Psychotherapy
(Nature Therapy)
For a lot of us, being outside in nature makes us feel better. And if we don’t feel better, we’ll often feel something, and then we feel better. You might already know that being in nature helps you feel:
More peaceful, less stressed out with less unhelpful mental chatter.
A more positive perspective on life and a sense things will be okay.
More of a sense of connection and belonging with something outside of yourself.
So how do we ‘do’ eco psychotherapy? It’s a bit like asking the question: how do we do art?
My answer to both those questions is: with curiosity, an open mind, and a willingness to engage with the world around you.
I offer eco psychotherapy sessions outside in nature. These sessions are 120 minutes.
Practically speaking, we’ll meet somewhere with access to nature where we’re unlikely to be disturbed. From there we set off together - this might look like talking, walking and sitting, engaging with each other, our inner worlds, and the natural world around us.
Before we venture outside, we’ll meet inside or over Zoom for a session or two. This gives us an opportunity to get to know each other a bit and make sure this approach will be a good fit for you. We’ll also take the time to discuss and agree together what we will do in various circumstances (for example - what if it rains? What if we run into someone either you or I know?).
For more info on eco psychotherapy, you might like to check out these blog posts, and for questions or to book in a session, click here and I’ll get you some answers!
If I had one wish for this coming year, it would be to grant endless permission. To myself, to you - to anyone who needs it or wants it.
Here's a list, in no particular order. If you need me to write you a note, let me know. I'll do it.