Life Coaching
Sometimes we’re thrown into the middle of change with no say, and sometimes we’re aware that something needs to be different and so we actively choose to walk down the path of change.
Sometimes we know where we want to go and we’re ready to get moving.
And sometimes it can feel like our identity and our old life doesn’t quite fit any longer, we’re not really sure who we are or what we want or how to get there. It’s often a messy and emotional time - it can feel confusing, exciting, tiring, unsettling, alive with possibility, frustrating, maybe like we’re hanging out in a fog.
It’s uncomfortable, hanging out in the unknown, sitting with feelings of loss and grieving what was, before we’re ready to look ahead to what’s next.
The way I offer life coaching offers support for times of change - it’s a non-linear process of acknowledging how things were, spending time with how things are now - looking for treasure in the foggy annoying unknown place - and starting to dream up and step into what’s next.
It offers a space for grief, for tears, for hope, for laughter, for anger, for all the glorious messy human experience that is change. It’s often deep and tender work.
It can be supportive for any time of life, but folk find it to be particularly useful during times like divorce and other changing relationship status, death of a loved one, job loss, lacking meaning and purpose. If you know where you want to go and would like someone in your corner supporting you as you get there - this kind of work is a great fit.
For any kind of life change, big or small, chosen by you or thrown at you by life.
For more info on navigating life coaching and times of change, these blogs might be useful - and if you have questions or would like to work together, please contact me here and I’ll get you some answers.
There's a part of you, of me, of everyone, who knows what to do.
Maybe you forgot how to hear it - I know for me it's a process of remembering and re-remembering. Sometimes weeks or months go by when I just don't hear. It's an easy thing to do, forgetting how to listen to the part of you who knows. The world is full of voices telling you to listen to them, instead. Buy this, follow my ten step process, take these pills, read this giant pile of self help books. The external voices are loud.
The internal voice, the one that knows, can be quiet. And sometimes it tells us things that don't make sense in the context of capitalism.